来源:互联网作者:王林更新时间:2021-06-28 15:18:42阅读:
原创 上海市法学会 上海市法学会 东方法学 收录于话题#法治青年论坛3#人工智能大会25#原创首发479#法学353为加强智慧法治前瞻性研究,帮助包括智慧法治研究方向在内的青年法学法律人才脱颖而出,推动智慧法治研究学术生态建设,以“智慧法治”为主题的2021世界人工智能大会法治青年论坛将于2021年7月9日下午在上海世博中心蓝厅举办。隆重介绍我们邀请的9位人工智能法治研究领域的青年精英,他们将在现场发表精彩演讲,分享脑机结合、情感计算、数据信托、数字孪生、可信算法等前沿话题的最新研究成果,其中多个原创学术内容系全球首发。张凌寒 Zhang Linghan北京科技大学文法学院副教授Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology Beijing张凌寒,女,法学博士,北京科技大学副教授,康奈尔大学访问学者。本硕博均毕业于吉林大学法学院,北京航空航天大学法学院博士后。中国法学会网络与信息研究会理事,中国法学会婚姻法学研究会理事。国家人工智能伦理与道德标准小组成员,国家工信部重点法治实验室研究员,中央网信办网络安全治理基地特聘研究员,中国信息安全法律大会专家委员会委员。研究方向为民商法,网络法,近年来专注于数据治理与算法规制方向,发表论文二十余篇,其中多篇被《人大报刊复印资料》《高等学校文科学术文摘》全文转载,主持国家社科基金、教育部、司法部、中国法学会、博士后基金等人文社科项目。出版专著《网络虚拟财产侵权责任研究》《权力之治:人工智能时代的算法规制》,参编参译多部教材专著。Zhang Linghan is an associate professor at the Beijing University of Science and Technology and was a visiting scholar at Cornell University Law School. She obtained her Ph. D. from Jilin University School of Law and was a post-doctoral fellow at the Law School of BeiHang University. She is a member of the Council of the National Network and Information Law Research Society, the Council of the Family Law Research Society, and the Group of National AI Ethics and Guidelines. She also serves as a researcher of the Key Rule of Law Laboratory of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, a researcher of the Network Security Governance Base of the Office of the National Cyberspace Affairs Commission. She has published extensively on cyberspace law and algorithmic governance. She has undertaken research projects of the National Social Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Justice, the China Law Society, and the Postdoctoral Fund. She is the author of Research on Tort Liability of Online Virtual Property and Governing Power---Regulation of Algorithms in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, and a co-editor of several law textbooks.原标题:《重磅阵容丨2021世界人工智能大会法治青年论坛演讲嘉宾:张凌寒》